The Hourglass


The Flowing Hourglass

Hello, and welcome. This site is where I shall post my thoughts and stories from deep within my imagination.

I was basically done with all my work, and bored to death with nothing to do. Then, this fell in my head with an inaudible click! It's not a bad idea, creating a site where you can place your reflections and opinions everyday and share them with everyone else. Try it sometimes, if you're new to all this =] It's quite interesting, and fun. Better than sitting in front of the television and playing video games, right?

So why is this site called "the Hourglass"? Well, it may just seem to you as a random glass object shaped like two crystal balls connect at the side just barely by a small tunnel, allowing soft, flowing sand to past and time whatever you wish. However, to me, its a little word that brings me the thought of how time flies by, not stopping, and never will. It reminds me of the greatest and most memorable school year I've ever spent yet in my whole lifetime. How I wished that the last day was never going to end! Those last four hours I've spent with my friends were imprinted deeply in my mind, and it shall stay there for as long as I live.

Basically, this site is for my memories that I'd like to keep with me forever, and some stories I made up and would like to show to the world. Though the chances of finishing the tales will be extremely low...sorry. I usually lose interest after I reach the climax, or I get writer's block, but I'll do my best. XP

I dedicate whatever I write on this site to everyone that has made a difference in my life, and I hope that everyone who visits this place would like my random stories and ideas. Enjoy! =]


- Peggy
- Dark
- Mr. Power
- Dr. Brown


6-28-09: A 'letter' to Mom (Mailing Chamber).

6-11-09: NEW post in Mailing Chamber - finally~!

10-11-08: Stuff about Brisingr in Mailing Chamber. I must make sure that it shows....

9-8-08: Monday, Return to Torture Zone, in Mailing Chamber XD.

9-03-08: Bleh., published in Mailing Chamber. Read for current personal news and info =]]